
Showing posts from May, 2020

Take the Help of Right Platform to Know About Coronavirus

From the starting of 2020, each one of us had made some resolutions that we were planning to complete by the end of this year. But little did we know that just after a few months we would be locked inside our houses and each one of us would be thinking the same thing “when will this coronavirus end?” And seeing the current situation it is not wrong to say that COVID-19 has changed the way of how we used to live our lives because now we can no longer go outside or meet our friends. We can no longer go to the office or go for movies. And this is all because of the spread of a virus. The sad part is that we have still not got a 100% effective vaccine against this virus. In this situation, it becomes very important that we only trust the information that we see on a registered coronavirus tracker . Since we are all locked inside our houses and we are all scared, it becomes our responsibility not to get stressed because of false COVID-19 information or create tension by spread...